At Newbridge Primary School, we are committed to ensuring our children develop a strong foundation in reading, writing and mathematics. We also believe in providing a broad and balanced curriculum in which children develop the skills they will need to be responsible and aspiring citizens later in life.
Our School Curriculum
Newbridge Journey Key Skills
Enquiry-based learning is an approach in which the children have ownership of their learning. It starts with exploration and questioning and leads to investigation into a question, issue, problem or idea. It involves asking questions, gathering and analysing information and generating solutions, making decisions, justifying conclusions and taking action.
We will often launch each enquiry with a 'hook' day. A day which may take the children by surprise, but allows them to be fully engaged in the learning process.
Enquiry-based learning provides opportunities for children to reflect on their learning. It also allows the opportunity to build on prior learning skills, knowledge and values and the ability to draw conclusions and make connections between new ideas.
The purpose at the end of the enquiry is to identify what the children have learnt and to relate their learning to real life situations. An example of activities related to this could be the publishing of findings through newsletters or posters, organising a public performance or causing change by the children's own learned and developed knowledge.
By integrating national curriculum subjects, children are able to make clear links between learning and therefore develop their understanding at a deeper level.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework
The government released the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework in January 2024 and information around what is taught in EYFS can be found on this link.
The National Curriculum (Years 1 to 6)
The government revised the National Curriculum for Primary Schools in 2014 and as a school we have decided to develop an exciting and innovative model of teaching and learning which will engage children in learning whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills which they will need to be responsible and aspiring members of the community and the future.
Please find attached a link for the National Curriculum for children in KS1 and KS2.
Throughout the school, children are given a range of opportunities to inspire them to write by taking into account cross-curricular links including the 'Newbridge Journey' experiences. Each year group focuses on the 'writing process' which allows children to re-visit their writing and improve it along the way. Children are encouraged to be creative writers and to recognise the features of high quality written work. Children are given the skills to become writers through talk for writing and by enjoying a range of different text-types alongside the teaching of progressive skills. As a school, we ensure children learn how to edit and improve their own work as well as supporting them to reflect and develop their writing.
Throughout the school we teach regular, discrete, high quality lessons on spelling, punctuation and grammar. The backbone of this programme is Letters and Sounds followed by Support for Spelling. To support the development of skills required by the English 2014 Curriculum, learning in Foundation Stage and KS1 is enhanced through the use of the Phonics Bug scheme of work whilst KS2 benefits from the No Nonsense Spelling programme.
As a school, we work to ensure that every child is a successful and strategic reader. We have a structured and multifaceted approach to the teaching of reading. This includes the teaching of synthetic phonics through the Letters and Sounds programme as well as daily phonics/ SPAG lessons in KS2. All children have at least a weekly Guided Reading session with a teacher or teaching assistant to develop reading comprehension skills. Children also consolidate their learning through a carousel of daily reading activities. We also have several reading interventions in place such as 'Remarkable Readers.' We work to develop a love of reading through the sharing of books through 'Read Hands' and book reviews. We also encourage students to read across a variety of genres and to utilise both the school and local libraries.
In maths we deliver an engaging, creative and real life curriculum that follows the fundamentals set out in The White Rose - a scheme of work designed to deepen childrens' mathematical understanding through revisiting topics and applying their knowledge in reasoning and problem solving activities. Alongside side this, we have devised our own four operations policy which shows clear progression from KS1 to KS2.
In Foundation Stage and KS1, teachers plan through the exploration of maths, giving children the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. In KS2 we build on the children's confidence to apply their knowledge and understanding of fundamentals. All children are challenged to reach their full potential and home learning is supported through Maths With Parents, whereby each family receive their own login allowing their child to complete activities that sit alongside what is currently being learnt in class.
We use a progressive skills-based curriculum developed through Somerset ELIM which is taught via discrete whole-class lessons using a range of mobile technology and our computing suite. Each year group is taught aspects of computer programming that are developed as they progress through the school, as well as how to use the technology in our lives and regular focused learning on all areas of online-safety. Wherever possible, we make links between the computing curriculum and other areas of the curriculum. Our 'Newbridge Journey' offers the children the opportunity to apply and extend the skills they have learnt.
Science is taught in every year group throughout the school with a focus on practical skills and developing knowledge. We promote understanding of the world around us through the practical applications of science. This is achieved through inspiring teaching, awe and wonder moments and links with other subjects.
Geography is taught in all year groups. The school follows the National Curriculum objectives. Geography is embedded in cross-curricular topics.
History and enquiry skills are taught in every year group from Reception to Year 6. Topics are drawn from the National Curriculum and are embedded in our termly topics.
Music is taught in every year. Foundation Stage and Year 1 are taught by class teachers using Music Express. Each Year 2 - 6 class is taught by a music specialist once a week in a dedicated music room. The content involves a variety of resources, developed over the years by the specialist. A wide variety of extracurricular music clubs are offered to all children, including drumming and music time in KS1 and choir, orchestra, blues band and recorders in KS2. Children in KS2 can learn a wide variety of instruments taught by specialist peripatetic teachers.
In Foundation Stage and Year 1, P.E. is taught by class teachers. Years 2 - 6 are taught by class teachers and a specialist PPA teacher. Children participate in a wide range of activities including dance, gymnastics and various games (both indoors and outdoors) as well as following a unique, child-centered curriculum through Real P.E. schemes of work. Swimming lessons are offered during KS2.
Religious Education at Newbridge Primary School has a significant role for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development we believe that it is vital for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. Through Religious Education, pupils develop their knowledge of the world faiths, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences. Our Religious Education curriculum is enhanced further with trips to places of worship. We use the Discovery RE scheme of work across the whole school incorporating Awareness Mystery and Values syllabus for Bath and North East Somerset.
Click here.
At Newbridge Primary School we regard PSHE as an important component of the whole curriculum. We believe that the promotion of health and wellbeing is central to the life of the school and its relationships with the surrounding community. We take very seriously the responsibility that schools have to provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
The school is using and incorporating the Jigsaw scheme of work to support PSHE and mindfulness; helping children to become aware of their thoughts and feelings as well as celebrating specific attitudes or behaviours which help the learning of the lessons to permeate every aspect of childrens' lives at school.
Guide for Parents and Carers
Examples of the PSHE activites taught in school can be found here.